How to Roast a chicken on a Charcoal Machine

Nothing can beat the taste of a freshly cooked chicken that has been slowly roasted over hot charcoals.

A charcoal chicken machine is a style where meat is placed on a long skewer and rotated over a heat source like fire, charcoals or a BBQ. As the meat is in a state of constant rotation, it offers an even cooking ambience. It also enables the chicken to cook in its own juices and enable clobbering of your choice to be applied throughout the cooking procedure.

Chicken is a type of poultry meat and is one of the most frequently used meats in the world. There are multiple health advantages from eating chicken. Chicken is high in protein, low in saturated fat and has a great source of B vitamins.

Here is a systematic guide on how you can roast a chicken after you look for charcoal chicken machine sale in Sydney:

  1. Dousing the chicken

Dousing chicken is a way to enhance moisture and tenderness of the chicken. Soaking chicken in a salt water blend enables muscle fibers to lose some of their ability to contract during the cooking process with leads to a juicier meat. Add the following to create your saltwater:

  • 2 Bay leaves
  • ¼ cup of sugar
  • ½ cup of table salt
  • 3 liters of water

Warm the water and make sure that sugar and salt has dissolved. Allow saltwater to cool to room temperature and add chicken to saltwater. Cover and put in fridge overnight.

  1. Preparing the roaster

Different methods can be used to cook a chicken on a charcoal chicken machine. I use a spit roaster that has a section below the charcoal chicken machine where heat beads, wood or charcoal can be used as the cooking medium. Permit at least an hour for the coals to generate and flames to die down.

  1. Preparing the Basting

Basting enables the chicken to be kept wet during the cooking process and adds extra flavoring to the meat. Add the following:

  • Fresh parsley
  • Pepper and salt
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 4 crushed garlic cloves
  • Juice of 3 lemons
  1. Putting the chicken on the charcoal chicken machine

Cut a lemon in half and put every half in the centre of the roasting rod. This enables the chicken to be centered on the roasting rod throughout the cooking process. Put the chicken through the roasting rod and tie the legs and wings to prevent extra movement during rotation. Baste the chicken with a brush and you are ready for cooking!

  1. Cooking the chicken

Put the chicken over the heat while basting every 20 minutes. Try to keep the heat away from the charcoal chicken machine as consistent as possible by adding small amounts of fuel. Once temperature is reached, remove the heat and permit to rest for almost 30 minutes. Remove the cooking twine, just curve the chicken and relish!